Media & TV

Terugkijken: Vanuit De Balie: Orlando Figes & Wierd Duk

22-09-2014 19:55

Live & rechtstreeks vanuit Amsterdamse debattempel De Balie: hoogleraar geschiedenis en dé Rusland-deskundige Orlando Figes over ‘revolutionary Russia.

Recent developments and actions of Russia, such as the annexation of Crimea and the support for the separatist troops in Ukraine, are illustrative for the expansive Russian nationalism and foreshadow many more tensions to arise. Since the tragedy of MH17 there has been a renewed focus on the ties between Ukraine and Russia and expansionistic ambitions of Vladimir Putin. This evening leading historian Orlando Figes will look at the causes and ramifications of the current position and behavior of Russia. At a time when Russian foreign policy is causing headlines around the world we will discuss the causes of the current crisis in light of historic events. What are the after effects of the Russian Revolution? And what are the historical ties between Ukraine, Russia and the West?

Met Wierd Duk (bekend van TPO) en Yoeri Albrecht (ook bekend van TPO).

START om 20:00 uur.